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Author: X-Pyr

Day 3 update

dia 3 xpyr 2018 from X-Pyr on Vimeo.

Another action packed day! Some big highs and some lows too. Two pilots have withdrawn – Fons de Loew an Patrick Sieber.

In the morning, Maurer hiked up to TP5 (Midi du Bigorre) as did Maxime Pinot. By the end of the day both had made excellent progress. Maurer flew into Catalunya and past Pedraforca (TP6). Maxime is still on his heels between TP5 and 6.

Garza ended up in third place at the end of the day. He had a long, long flight and tagged TP5 in the air, allowing him to progress across the valley to the Coll de d’Azet. He was able to re-launch just before the land-by time. de Freyman hiked up to the same coll, arriving minutes before the compulsory stop time. Wagner is currently between TP4 & 5. This was a tricky day for many!

Mayer flew a blinder today, pushing from TP 4 to arrive to near TP5 and gaining ground of the leaders. After Keller’s amazing day on day 2, he had a long hike, another frustrating wait, but made it past TP5 and into the next valley. He reported extrememly turnbulent conditions. Safety first meant he sacrificed a lot of altitude for a safe landing spot… in this race that means more hiking.

Umbricht had an impressive hike, a challenging flight and the highlight was being reunited with Bramfitt and Grey. Bramfitt had several flights but landed sooner than hoped and although he hiked up to a take-off in the afternoon, conditions did not allow him to make the progress he expected. Grey has a burnt nose, but it fine otherwise. Three bomb outs and then a six hour flight was the story of his day.

Vulpillot gave his friends and family a fright, when his tracker and spot stopped working. He averted a search and rescue when he sprinted to the edge of a ridge to find a signal to report himself safe. Currently in 8th place, he is the competition’s top rookie. Ramos was on home turf, flying past his local sites in Jaca. He is going strong and feeling good as he passed TP3 at Midi d’Ossau.

Kernstock’s supported had a nightmare with a leaking radiator and this meant he had to fly down to the van to get food and accommodation. Worried about not being able to carry on, the van is now fixed and he is back on track. Another nightmare befell Thoeni. A collapse on launch meant that his harness is destroyed and the team had to verify that his wing was still airworthy. It is and supporter Martin Lifka has supplied a replacement harness. No broken bones, Thoeni is back in the race.

Goksal infringed airspace and is currently serving a 48 hour time penalty. Cannell hiked a few km up to a launch, but wasn’t able to stay up but crossed a valley and landed high on the next massif. Later, he had tricky but safe landing and had to detach a stabilo line to get it out of tree. He hiked down to dam at the bottom of a reservoir, and had a cliff scramble around tunnel where he said he “didn’t look down”. All in all, spirits are high and physically he’s holding together really well.

Murch has blisteres and had a bad day where he top landed and his supporters could not reach him, Without water for five hours he had to make the difficult decision to hike down. Seven hours without water left him dehydrated and he has had to take some time to recover. Fellow UK pilot Andrews began the day before TP2 and finished on the way to TP4!

Potel was rescured from the tree on day 2 at 2am, so he had little time to charge his tracker and phone. “Lost” for four hours he was safe and sound. Moreno is tired but motivated and ready to go. Linde had a day complicated by wind. He ended the day walking. Centa is feeling fit and progressing well.

Stay tuned today… Maurer is expected to reach St Helena de Rodes this evening or tomorrow morning first thing!

Resumen Dia 3

dia 3 xpyr 2018 from X-Pyr on Vimeo.

Otro dia a tope! Con su altos y sus bajos. Dos pilotso abandonan: Fons De Leew y Patrick Sieber.

Ya por la mañana tanto Maurer como Pinot caminaron hasta el el TP5 (Midi de Bigorre), y ara el final del dia ambos lograron un importante avance en carrera. Mauer volo hasta Cataluña y paso el TP6 (Pedraforca).

Garza termino el dia 3º, hizo un largo vuelo y supero TP5 ( M de Bigorre), aterrizo en Coll de Azet y aun tuvo un tiempo para un despegue mas. De Freyman tambien subio hasta el Coll d’Azet justo al finalizar la jornada. Wagner se encuentra entre TP4 y TP5. Un dia complicado para la mayoria.

Mayer volo de TP4 hasta casi TP5 y recorto distancia con la cabeza. Sin embargo un dia frustrante para Keller, que ayer tuvo un dia excellente y hoy tuvo una marcha larguisima  y una larga espera, finalmente consigui pasar TP5.  Las condiciones dijo que fueron extremadamente turbulentas, asi que sacrifico altura por aterrizajes mas seguros, es decir por caminar aun mas.

Umbricht tuvo una gran caminata y un vuelo dificil que finalmente concluyo en grupo con Bramfitt y Grey. Bramfitt tuvo varios vuelos cortos y tuvo que caminar despegue alto aunque las condiciones le permitieron el avance que el buscaba. Grey, se quemo la nariz, pero esta bien por lo demas.


Vulpillot tuvo preocupados a amigso y familia cuando su tracker dejo de conectarse. Se estaba preparando un recate cuando finalmente a borde de un barranco consiguio conectarse y tranquilizar a todos. Se encuentra en 8ª posicion y es el “primerizo”(rookie) mejor posicionado.

Ramos “jugaba en casa” en la zona de Jaca que conoce muy bien, es encuentra motivado y fuerte y paso el TP3 (M d’Ossau).

Renate, la asistenta de Kernstock, tuvo una pesadilla con el radiador de su coche que perdia liquido, lo que obligo a su pilot a baja y aterrizar cerca de su coche para poder comer, hidratarse y dormir. Finalmente la furgoneta ya esta arreglada y en marcha. Otra pesadilla la de Thoeni, una blegada en el despegue destrozo su arnes y obligo a comprobar a fondo la integridad de la vela. Finalmente continua con el arnes de su asistente.

Goksal entro en espacio aereo prohibido y ha tenido una penalizacion (descanso obligado) de 48h. Cannell subio a pie al despegue pero no pudo coger altura asi que solamente cruzo el valle y aterrizo en altura para el siguiente vuelo. Luego tuvo un aterrizaje complicado y tuvo que soltar un cordino para bajar la vela de un arbol. Camino hasta la presa del embalse y tuvo que hacer a pie la ruta alternativa al tunel. En general los animos estan bien y el cuerpo aguanta.

Murch, con ampollas,tuvo un mal dia. Tras un top-landing su equipo no pudo llegar asi que tuvo de tomar la dura decision de bajar para hidratarse despues de 7 horas sin agua. Le tomo un tiempo para recuperarse. Andrews arranco el dia antes de TP2 ylo  termino ya en camino a TP4!

Potel finalmente rescatado de un arbol a las 2 a.m. (del dia 2 de carrera), tras 6-7 horas colgado en una zona de acceso muy dificil.  Moreno, fisicamente cansado pero la motivacion no le falta y continua. A Linde el viento le complico el dia, y termino el dia caminando. Centa es encuentra en forma y continua su avance.

Day 2 – Update

Unfortunately we had another pilot withdraw from the race. Francu Claudiu was troubled by an old injury and was unable to continue.

Day two dawned well with a great number of pilots near TP 2. Chrigel, Maxime and Nelson passed the second turn point yesterday, but many were in a good position to pass the turn point in the morning. This being the case, most were up and walking by 6am. The problem was that the wind was north and stronger than forecast, so pilots had to cross the ridge to get to the flyable side. Once there, the launch conditions were not easy. First off was Cyriaque Wagner, the local pilot, followed closely by Eduardo Garza from Mexico. Both got high and started to make their way along the ridges to the south east. The early bird got the worm today and both have passed TP 3.

Once conditions improved, many others launched, but Adian Keller, Lars Budack and Ignacio Aravelo decided to walk along the ridge to a lower point. Having waited for more favourable conditions, they launched about 3pm. After the frustration of waiting, they have flown an absolute stunning flight… Adrian and Lars are currently sixth and seventh place and are currently approaching TP4, chasing Garza and Wagner.

It has been an epic flying day… Chrigel is currently approaching TP 5, having crossed the main spine, with Maxime Pinot hot on his heels. Nelson de Freyman landed in trees unharmed, but this has delayed him, allowing others to catch up.

News from other competitors… Wesley Murch broke a few brake lines this morning which required him to walk down and repair them. Jesse Williams’ spin and hard landing left him bruised but unbroken, both in body and spirit. He flew again yesterday and is on his way to TP3.

We now have 25 pilots past past TP2.

Tomorrow’s forecast is epic. Expect big flights tomorrow. High base, less wind will make for an exciting day! Stay tuned!

Día 2 – Puesta al día

Desafortunadamente tuvimos otro piloto que se retiró de la carrera. Francu Claudiu estaba preocupado por una vieja lesión y no pudo continuar.

El segundo día amaneció bien con una gran cantidad de pilotos cerca del TP 2. Chrigel Maurer, Maxime y Nelson de Freyman pasaron la segunda baliza ayer, pero muchos estaban en una buena posición para pasar dicha baliza por la mañana. Por ello, la mayoría se levantó y caminó a las 6 am. El problema era que el viento soplaba hacia el norte y era más fuerte de lo previsto, por lo que los pilotos tenían que cruzar la cresta para llegar al lado volable. Una vez allí, las condiciones para la salida no fueron fáciles. Primero fue Cyriaque Wagner, el piloto local, seguido de cerca por Eduardo Garza de México. Ambos cogieron altura y comenzaron a abrirse camino a lo largo de las crestas hacia el sudeste. Ambos pasaron el TP3.

Una vez que mejoraron las condiciones, muchos otros salieron, pero Adrian Keller, Lars Budack e Ignacio Arévalo decidieron caminar a lo largo de la cresta a un punto más bajo. Esperaron condiciones más favorables y salieron más o menos a las 3 p.m. Después de la frustración de esperar, han realizado un vuelo impresionante… Adrian y Lars son actualmente sexto y séptimo y se están acercando al TP4, persiguiendo a Garza y ​​Wagner.

Ha sido un día de vuelo épico … Chrigel se acerca al TP5, después de haber cruzado la cresta principal, con Maxime Pinot muy cerca. Nelson de Freyman aterrizó ileso en los árboles, pero esto lo ha retrasado, permitiendo que otros lo alcancen.

Noticias de otros competidores… Wesley Murch rompió algunas líneas de freno esta mañana, lo que le obligó a caminar y repararlas. El trompo y el aterrizaje forzoso de Jesse Williams lo dejaron magullado pero intacto, tanto en cuerpo como en espíritu. Voló nuevamente ayer y está camino a TP3.

Ahora tenemos 25 pilotos más allá de TP2.

El pronóstico para mañana es épico. Se esperan grandes vuelos mañana. ¡Una base alta, menos viento pronostican un día emocionante! ¡Estad alerta!

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