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Author: X-Pyr

X-PYR: Day 7

The final day…

Today we hooked up with Nicolas Hayes at breakfast. We discussed the options on how to get over to France and further northwest towards TP4. There were two different passes to choose from to get across to the French side. Nicolas knew some pilots in the area and we got some tips on where to go.

We geared up and started hiking. As we started the ascent we saw Greg Hammerton hiking towards the other pass. We discussed our options a little, and concluded it would probably not be that much different. This pass or the other. Potato potato…

As we approached the pass over to France the wind increased rapidly and was funneled through the pass. Major rotor on the French side. Our plan to launch high on the lee side and catch the early thermals on the east facing side was impossible to execute, and we had to walk quite far down (below the inversion) and into France before we found an acceptable area to launch. Unfortunately for us we saw Greg on the livetrack. He was able to launch, climb high, and continue towards TP4. In hindsight it was of course a much better choice of route. More protected from the wind compression, and less hostile terrain on the French side.

Anyway, Nicolas and I were finally able to launch and continue towards Luchon. Some weak thermals made us extend the glide past the airport in Luchon, but no further. Stable, and surprisingly strong valley wind from the north. Headwind. Hard to make progress by flying. The only good option was to walk to the end of the valley and see if we were able to continue flying towards TP4 there.

As we walked we calculated our speed, the elevation, and the deadline at 21:00 to see if we could make it to the top of Pic du Gar. Tight, but we decided to give it a try. It would be great to finish the race in the air. Both our teams helped us with supply of food, water, and whatever required for us to keep going. Nicolas had his father and brothers supporting him. Great people, and really nice to get to know them all!

At the peak our options to launch were not as good as we expected. In the end we decided to give it a try from an area of tall stinging nettles. A weak breeze, and we both took off at the same time and glided together towards TP4. Since Pic du Gar is at 1900 meters the glide was long, and lasted for 25 minutes.

We landed 5 minutes before the deadline. A good way to end the day, and the race, even if this was not a great day for us. 

Last considerations


What an XPirience!

O had the opportunity to come experience this race and it was incredible!

I could talk about rain, hiking in the rain, Dengue Fever, difficulties… But that was just part of the game.

I would rather think about the most beautiful views of one of the most magnificent mountain rages of the world, and how incredible it was to go through it’s little corners, valleys and peaks.

How the climb after take off opened this amazing array of valleys and peaks, some covered with snow still.

How the vultures were so nice to indicate the thermals but would leave as soon as o started circling with them as to give room to the clumsy white and red bird that appeared.

How it is not needed to start from the top os the mountain as halfway hill the thermals were already good, and a timed take of would make you out climb the peak in minutes if you timed it right.

That just to talk about the nature.

But the XPyr is so much more than nature, it is the people that put it together in amazing fashion with attention to detail and care and also the pilots and assistants that flock from around the world to do this incredible adventure.

I tried not to use superlatives, but it is just not possible, everything is superlative in this event, the organizers, the pilots, the assistants and of course the nature!

I loved it all, including the suffering before the good weather(would prefer without it though😉).

Hope to come back next time.

Thank you so much Renata for being my supporter, with attention, patience and love.

Thank you everyone else, organization, pilots, supporters.

I loved it!!!

Grande abraço,


David Corpas – Day 7 – Last Take Off, Last Fly

Last, intense, exciting and satisfying day of the X-Pyr 2022 race. I’m very happy to be part of the top ten of the table and I go home with a good impression being my first participation. It has been a very very hard race and it has not been easy, but this still makes me feel happier with myself for the work I’ve done. I keep many moments in my heart and the spirit of this race. THANK YOU.

The X-Pyr race is over…! How it was?

First- every edition is a win on experience and exploring new areas, also this one brings us deep into the Pyrenees!

Second- also when it looks hard (this time the route was more than 600km and crossed the main ridge twice, and the weather forecast was bad) somehow it will work, and often it comes better than expected!

And third- a race is not finished before the finishline. This time we started off on different routes, but came together again in the lead for a first long flight on day 3. After that it was windy and for the first time in 12 years of Hike&Fly adventure races i spent a full day hiking, that was hard… On the final day, with Maxime and Pierre on the same mountain and 150km to go. We had good teamwork before a difficult area spread us away. We came together once more at the last big mountain Canigou where Maxime arrived higher and flew away. I decided to hike up a bit to be back in thermal – and it worked! I stayed focused on myself and tried to stay high to fly as long and far as possible. This edition we had permission to underfly the airspace, what allowed me to fly until 3km before the finishline – unbelievable!

After 46h of hiking, covering a distance of 262km and 18’800m ascent, I arrived healthy and very happy (ok, i feel like i’m 10 years older now…)

In general the race here with a familiary organisation committee was a pleasure and for sure the rest period during the night from 9pm to 7am was for all athletes and staff more relaxed (hope to have this also at @redbullxalps 2023)

Thanks for all the fan support and motivation during these days- you are the best followers!

Without them, the X-Pyr wouldn't exist.

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