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Author: X-Pyr

Day 7 – Last day of race

Although 17 teams arrived at the finish in Santa Helena de Rodes, we had some emotions ahead.

Patrick Harvey-Collard slept very close to the finish and was the first to arrive on the final day of the race. He crossed the finish line at 07:55 in the morning.

Still full of emotion, Friedrich Blosse and Benoit Brunet-Poirier were very close.
But Benoit lost more time trying to overtake Friedrich.
So Friedrich arrived in 19th position, at 09:02. Benoit was 20th, 8 minutes later.

The final goal was scored by the Slovenian Lenart Oblak after a really long walk.

But we had some nice stories along the route.

The pilots who had already crossed the finish line had to fly or walk to the beach at El Port de la Selva.It was tricky, but in the end they made it.
However, Sebastian and Lenart ended up reaching the beach on foot.

Sebrand Warren, who had been given a penalty the day before, decided to try to reach the goal as if nothing had happened.
And he did, having surprised some of the staff hiding at the goal when he arrived.

Florian Serra also reached the TP5-Val de Núria at the end of the day (20:30).

Some other teams decided to walk until the time limit at 21:00. So Michal Radzicki and Ben Hodgson were the 2 teams that finally closed this X-Pyr 2024.

Day 5 – Simon Oberrauner Winner of the X-Pyr 2024

In another epic end to the race, and after sharing so many hours and memories together with Shane Tighe these lasts hours, finally it was Simon Oberrauner who won this first “after Chrigel Maurer” X-Pyr.

The Austrian won his first X-Pyr and was in the top positions for most of the race. The final time has been 2d 11:52:48.

In the end, Simon was in goal 40 minutes before Christian Schugg, who in a fantastic move overtook the other 2 pilots who were in front: Shane Tighe and Pierre Remy.
Christian followed a different line to everybody else, more to the north, more flyable. And finally, he landed very close to goal. Third and fourth respectively were Shane and Remy.

William Pierré, Jean de Biolley and Maël Baguet were the other three that completed the race this 5th day.

It seems this year we are going to see many happy pilots swimming off the beach of El Port de la Selva, as we still have 2 days more to reach the Mediterranean. And most of the pilots have already crossed the final turnpoint Vall de Nuria.

We are expecting the next pilot in goal to be Lars Meerstetter, before 8am tomorrow!

Day 4 – Tricky day, but Vall de Núria reached

A very unstable day with good flying conditions in the morning, and developments and thunderstorms in the early afternoon.

The pilots on the south side of the Pyrenees managed to make some great flights and gain many kilometres thanks to the instability, although there were many tense moments due to the storms.

Simon Oberrauner and Shane Tighe were the only pilots who signed in Nuria under the first drops of the storm.

In the French zone they were not so lucky as most of the riders were caught in the storms before they could cross, Sebrand Warren and Ben Hodgson were the only riders to make it.

Without them, the X-Pyr wouldn't exist.

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