Looking forward to explore a new area and experience unforgettable moments
Thomas Friedrich

Thomas Friedrich
OccupationAthlete, Flying Teacher
ResidenceGraz (Österreich )
WingSKYWALK Paragliders X-Alps 85
HarnessSKYWALK Paragliders Range X-Alps AV
HelmetSUPAIR pilot

Luca Vanzi
ResidenceSan Martino In Badia (Italy)
Team details
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Why did you choose the X-Pyr?
Im looking forward to an adventure in a completely new area to me. I always wanted to compete here and this year I decided to give it a go.
What is your greatest sporting success?
Red Bull X-Alps 2023, 11th place
When and why did you start paragliding?
It was always part of my life as my dad had a flying school.
What is your mountaineering experience?
Certain 3000 and 4000 meter peaks in the Alps and a lot of ski mountaineering in winter.
What are your best and worst sporting memories?
Finishing Red Bull X-Alps in 2023 and injury in Red Bull X-Alps in 2021
Have you flown in the Pyrenees before? Do you have a favourite area?
Never yet.
Is there anything you like to see (or not) in the route?
I let myself be surprised.
Apart from flying far and walking little, what will your strategy be during the race?
Keep the motivation high and never give up.
What does your typical training week consist of?
Typically a big part of my training consists of endurance. I do a lot of cycling and running and in winter a lot of ski touring. For the flying part I try to use every flying day to do cross-country and get hours in the air.
What has been the hardest part of your race preparation so far?
I normally really enjoy my training but sometimes its hard to manage the balance between being an athlete and having a flying school, especially mentally.
What excites you most about participating in the X-Pyr?
To have a good time with my team and unforgettable moments in the air in a new area.
What worries you the most about the event?
What will be interesting is the unknown area but I know we will get into it.
How do you know your assistant?
What are your assistant’s main strengths?
What advice would you ask of the race veterans?
What will be crucial in your opinion?
Anything else you like to comment?
Looking forward to race in the Pyrenees 😉